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Instant fiction/non by See Jay Run, release 2, 3-4-22

Rising Digital Tiger

The emergence of China as a striving dominant world power has also been greatly aided by the mass implementation of technological social engineering through the use of internet control, biometrics and social credit scores to reign over every Chinese citizen. China worked hand in hand with googley to monitor and censor the Chinese on the internet and beyond. Streaming event, “China Plus America,” most financial transactions are digitally aided, and few people use currency in most financial transactions: one’s every communication and financial transaction is controlled. China has no Bill of Rights and human rights, themselves, aren’t necessarily guaranteed

China’s Belt and Road initiative, in a government whose plenary council has been known to think with long-range goals in mind, as it has been known to issue 40 year plans, along with 5 year plans, or, alternatively, 100 year plans. These plans are reviewed up to completion to make certain they can be made successful. The finances don’t always add up as a 40-year plan, issued by Deng Xiaoping reveals some discrepancies as to how it began and finished. The belt and road initiative spreads throughout Asia, and is often one-sided in that it is “given” as a gift, but usually benefits China on the way in andout. China’s use of “soft power” is truly extensive.

Currently, China is reaping the rewards in their “investments” in Asia, Africa and Central and South America. The former have been realized for quite some time, but the latter is, so far, under-realized. China has developed cooperative arrangements with India, many break away former Soviet bloc nations, and is increasing arrangements with fellow communist Russia to name a few.

From Belarus to Beijing

Instant Fiction/non

C-J Young

Part One, Non, 3/2/22

By mid afternoon on the continental United States, Russian troops could be seen patrolling the streets of the Southern coastal Ukrainian city of Kherson. It was now clear that Odessa would be the next target, and it would form a land bridge between Southeast Ukraine and Southwest Ukraine. Crimea and the Donbas regions would merge.

A member of the Ukrainian parliament, interviewed on Western news, stated that the Russian strategy in Kyiv would be the same as in other large cities. They would attempt to strangle the citizens in the city by taking the highway entrances and exits, and stop supplies and food from entering the city. The convoy would be stalled fifteen miles outside the city and was already 40 miles long.

On this day, local television continued to train remaining Ukrainians on how to make Molotov cocktails, and former breweries, for example, made thousands. Newsmax TV broadcast images of Ukrainians using such weapons on Russian armor. Also, on this day, the United States agreed to supply sovereign Ukraine Stinger anti-aircraft missiles. It was unclear how they would be distributed and deployed. Javelin anti-tank missiles, supplied by the Trump administration were already in use, and a government spokesman, a day later would state on Newsmax, that 900 ATVs and 200 tanks had been destroyed.

Today, bits of information or propaganda were released from both the Russian government and the Ukrainian government. When 150.000 Russian troops were unleashed on sovereign Ukraine, One of the first recorded, noted and published recordings was a Russian assault of gunships on 16 Ukrainian marines on Snake Island. In it, a Russian pilot orders the marines to surrender and lay down their arms, to which one marine tells the Russian to “Go f&^$ yourself!” The Russians now released recordings of who it claims to be a Ukrainian marine, who questions the legitimacy of the Zelensky government.

For its part, the Ukrainian government released video of captured conscripts being allowed to call their parents in Russia. Many Russian troops were surrendering and punching holes in their vehicles to avoid battle. One intercepted phone call was disclosed. “Mom, I’m in Ukraine. There is a real war raging here. I am afraid,” went the phone call, according to a spokesman. Many troops were refusing to shell Ukrainian cities and refusing central command’s orders. Still, the 40 mile convoy stalled.

It was reported that many Russian troops were still using analog walkie talkies. Ukrainian forces were intercepting communications, and even flooding their lines with their national anthem. However, today, reported that Russian troops slaughtered a Ukrainian cop’s children, parents and partner. They also reported that Ukrianian biathlete Yevhen Myyslew, 19, died in battle. The state department repeatedly stated they were working with their allies and partners as European officials continued to take the lead with sanctions.

Part Two, non, 3/3/22

On this day, the Southern city of Kherson fell, as Russian troops could be seen patrolling the streets. Forces were known to be planting mines and setting booby traps, targeting civilians. It was reported that 38 people were killed and over 200 were injured in the preceding 24 hours. In the seven days since the invasion, the war had created one million refugees. It was now known that Russia agreed to wait until after the Beijing winter Olympics concluded for the invasion to commence.

By this time, Europe and the world were seemingly unified in condemning Putin’s Russia. Yachts of Russian oligarchs were being seized Businesses were closing stores in Russia, like IKEA. Russian banks were taken off the SWIFT electronic banking system. Russia continued to play the kinetic part in the Russo-Sino alliance, and focused on energy, while China’s belt and road campaign solidified the supply chain. By this time, over 800 Russian missiles had been fired at Ukrainian targets. At this point, Western Ukraine, Kyiv and Odessa remained.

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